Why The Outrage?
by Kupsmom 9/5/07
I am a die hard Harvick fan. I will admit it and not ashamed of it. If Harvick switched from Chevy and RCR to Yugo and Si-Pang-Chow
racing, I would still be a fan. Granted, if Kevin goes out of a race, I will cheer for Stewart and the rest of the Indiana
Boys. But if Kevin is racing, I am cheering.
Most fans live this way and will die this way. But there are the ones who jump from one bandwagon to another. Right now,
we have supposed Dale Earnhardt Junior fans screaming and hollering about him going to Hendricks Motorsports. The same supposed
Stewart and Hamlin fans are in outrage about the switch to Toyota. I am wondering why the outrage? If you support a driver,
you do it for them, not the team or manufacturer. I am a Bowtie Girl but that is my choice. We have no idea why Jr. chose
the way he did or why Gibbs left Chevy. Honestly, it is none of our business.
Are their choices going to alter your everyday scheme of life? Does Jr. going to Hendricks affect how you are going to
raise your children or do your job? I don't think so. The only thing that is going to be altered is that Junior is now Gordon's
teammate. You can still throw empty beer cans at him if you want. But sit down and think about it, if Junior did not feel
that Hendricks and in essence Jeff Gordon was the right place and team for him, do you think he would have signed with them?
Some say that Junior is making his dad roll over in his grave. That is the biggest crock of my chili that I have heard. If
anything, Dale is flipping with joy because his son chose to make a better life for himself. That is one thing any parent
wants for their kids. I sure as heck want that for my son. Heck, at least, he is still in a Chevy unlike the boys at JGR.
But again, the only thing it alters is that Stewart, Hamlin, and Busch's cars will say Camry. If you don't like it, but
like the boys, put duct tape and write Chevy on it. If the drivers do not like, I am pretty sure they will find a new ride.
So, get over it and drink a beer. Can someone honestly be a true Jr. fan, if they do not support his choices? At least he
is not doing something illegal or quitting completely. If you are fuming about JGR, you are a manufacturer fan, not a Stewart
fan. Again, find a drink and get some common sense.